Dovolujeme si Vás upozornit na CFP Shaped by Greed – Reflections and Impacts of Environmental Exploitation in European Visual Cultures 1200–1900, které pořádá Centrum pro studium raného novověku, Seminář dějin umění FF MU. Konference se uskuteční ve dnech 8.–9. června 2023. Návrhy příspěvků můžete zasílat do 22. ledna 2023.
Call for Papers
III. Bienále His Artibus: Shaped by Grey. Reflections and Impacts of Environmental Exploitation in European Visual Cultures 1200–1900
Brno, 8.–9. června 2023
How environmental exploitation, industrialization, and urbanization
shaped late medieval and modern visual cultures, landscape, environment, and built environment in Europe (and beyond). An international conference at Art History Department of Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic) 8–9 June 2023, organized by Tomáš Valeš, Jan Galeta, Martin F. Lešák, and Veronika Řezníčková as 3rd Biennale of Centre for Early Modern Studies.
We invite senior as well as junior scholars and advanced PhD candidates for 20 minutes long papers in English. Please submit your proposals of around 200–300 words, accompanied by a short CV, by 22 January 2023 to: Notification of acceptance of proposals will be issued before 22 February 2023. Selected papers will be published in an edited volume with Brepols publishing house (Belgium).